
The Matrix of Webform Select Options

This post explains how to use Drupal Webform select options to create four different types of HTML code: a drop-down select, radio buttons, a multi-select, or checkboxes.

Button, button, where is the button?

Creating a Rollover Button without Javascript

JavaScript rollover buttons have been a common feature on the web for a long time now, but they do have some drawbacks. In the article below I will describe a way to make some neat looking rollover techniques with just XHTML and CSS. They aren't perfect for every situation, but they are an interesting alternative.

Why not just use MM_swapImage()?

Macromedia's (now Adobe's) ubiquitous JavaScript functions for rollovers are effective but they do have a few disadvantages:


The lists below may seem sparse. This is deliberate. I could give you a laundry lists of every programming language, software package, operating system, and technology buzzword that I have ever worked with. I won't subject you to that. I will just tell you my greatest strength:

I find solutions.

Drupal, Firefox and the Mysterious Grey Line

Ever since I started making custom themes for Drupal, I kept running into a strange problem. If my theme or my content included a table, when I looked at it in Firefox the table would have a thin grey line on the top. I finally figured out what was causing this and I would like to share it with you.

If you want to skip the lecture, you can click here for the solution.

New Drupal "blueprint" Template for

Update 2008-08-22: This page has received a large amount of traffic from people looking for implementations of the Blueprint CSS theme project. Here are some links to help out those people:

<pre /> Doesn't Do Style

While making the first article in the "Mistakes I've Made" series. I immediately came across the fodder for the next. I was trying to create CSS for my code examples and discovered that using <pre /> just won't cut it anymore.

Internet Explorer Speaks American

This is the first in a series of short articles called "Mistakes I've Made". In this series I plan to give examples of mistakes, misunderstandings, and problems I've encountered while coding. Maybe they will keep you from going through the same frustration.

I came across this "mistake" while making the new CSS for this site. Apparently, Internet Explorer only speaks American English. Here is the code I created:

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